Posts Tagged ‘aerobic exercises’
The Wonders and Beauty of Aerobic Exercises
The Wonders And Beauty Of Aerobic Exercises
You are becoming more and more conscious about your physical appearance and you understand that obesity will affect not only your lifestyle and social life but also your total wellbeing.
Because you are just getting started with your aerobics programme, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Before you engage in any weight loss diet, product or program, make sure that you have a full comprehension of its effects and side effects. There are many ways to work out, and if you can manage a good fun filled workout program you are going to be a much happier and healthy person. It is also true that you need to have a workout routine in which your body is moving fast and your heart and lungs are forced to work harder than when you are at rest. This is called aerobic exercise, and it is something that is very important for you to understand
Please don’t think you need to start at the top right away. Advanced aerobics is a goal you will need to work towards. This includes running in place and doing a series of movements that you might find very strenuous to start with. Also, it is unsafe to start anywhere other than as a beginner, because you might injure yourself and you may also run into problems. Therefore, you need to start from the beginning so you will obtain the maximum benefit from your fun filled aerobics workout routine.
Beginning a simple aerobics fun filled program is extremely easy and something that you can start with in your own home. The main point of the exercise is to get your heart, lungs and blood pumping.
Another great thing to do before beginning an aerobics program is to start walking or jogging on the spot. You can then start moving your arms up and down. The point of aerobics is to get your heart pumping, and the best way to do this is with movements, like jumping jacks, for as many repetitions as you can manage. This is the best way for you to begin your aerobic training, because you are able to work your way up from nothing and you can really get a healthy body as well.
Music is a good motivator because it adds fun and enjoyment to your aerobic exercise programme. If you are a beginner the following Aerobic exercises could be suitable for you:
REGULAR RAPID WALKING – is an excellent type of aerobic exercise for you. Fitness And Health Ideas believes you should try and work your way towards doing this simple exercise for up to 45 minutes 5 to 6 times per week.
REGULAR JOGGING – You can do this simple and easy heart rate accelerator type aerobic exercise almost anywhere without attending a gym or your local workout centre. Walking or jogging on a treadmill in the privacy of your own home can be a huge help and it’s convenient too.
STAIR CLIMBING – As a beginner you may find stair climbing difficult. The benefits for you are that 15 minutes of stair climbing will burn up the same amount of calories as jogging for 30 minutes, therefore you are not required to do it for long periods of time.
BICYCLE RIDING – Unlike other physical activities that require strenuous movements you can have so much fun and enjoyment riding your bicycle with your girlfriend, friend or mate.
DANCING – Another thing that sets aerobic exercise apart is the fact you can have a wonderful time with your partner and friends enjoying the local dance and providing you are prepared to let yourself sweat a bit you are also doing a great cardio and a calorie burning exercise.
JUMPING ROPE – Aside from conditioning your heart and the lungs once you get into the rhythm you will be zeroing in on your best cardio exercise.
SWIMMING – When one stands in water at chest level your body is near weightless. The natural buoyancy of water supports the body and relieves the stress on joints, tendons and ligaments. Water’s gentle support enables easy and effortless movements. When you swim you almost complete a full work-out routine because your legs and arms are both moving.
HULA-HOOPS – As a beginner you can do simple aerobic exercises like hula-hoops almost anywhere and anytime to work your oblique’s which is a big problem for women.
If you are an absolute beginner, Fitness And Health Ideas recommend that you check with your personal doctor prior to commencing any weight loss, diet or exercise program to make sure it is appropriate for you.
Fitness And Health Ideas also strongly recommend you take the time to perform warming up and cooling down exercises before and after every exercise session.
If you are motivated to begin aerobic exercises after reading this article, please contact us and keep us up to date with your progress. We wish you the best of health.
Fitness and Health Ideas to be precise is here to help you prepare the body for the physical necessities of daily life. Fitness and Health provides strength, flexibility and stamina for the proper functioning of the body.
Your heart is a muscle, or pump, and like every muscle in your body it needs to be exercised to grow and become fit, healthy and strong. Another important part of our body is the spinal cord, because it defines our posture and gives shape to our body. To keep this in good shape it can only be achieved through regular exercises.
All forms of aerobic exercises will strengthen your heart so it will pump more blood with each beat. High stroke volume is beneficial to your muscles which get more efficient at taking the oxygen out of the bloodstream. Your endurance will be greater because your muscles won’t run out of oxygen as quickly. You will be surprised at how good you will feel after a little exercise.
Your heart can circulate more oxygenated blood throughout your body with less effort and great efficiency which results in a slower heart rate. This happens because of an increase in the activity and number of enzymes that transport oxygen out of the bloodstream and into the muscle. Mitochondria inside the muscle increase in number and activity as they are the powerhouse of your cells because they do all the heavy duty work to keep you moving. The average fit and healthy adult heart pumps about 5 litres per minute along with oxygen and many other life sustaining elements circulating through your body.
Some of the benefits you receive from aerobic training include:-
(a) Increase in heart size (your heart can grow by 20% in size);
(b) Increase in blood volume;
(c) decrease in resting heart rate (a good resting heart rate is below 70 bpm);
(d) an increase in cardiac output due primarily to stroke volume;
(e) an increase in oxygen capacity;
(f) a reduction in blood pressure (excellent for reducing heart disease risk);
(g) improvement in body fat levels (great for figure and health).
Fitness and Health Ideas believe using aerobic training has some excellent benefits for your heart, fitness, health and body.