Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Having blood sugar levels that are out of control is common for some people who have diabetes. While it can happen often for some, it is something that can lead to serious health problems. The key to being a healthy diabetic is learning to control your glucose levels while getting all of the nutrients your body needs. This article will show you the best way to do that.

Keep in mind that all sugar is not the same and that some of it is actually good for you. While you should avoid eating anything that has added sugars, things that have natural sugars are not considered unsafe to eat. This means you cannot feel free to snack on a candy bar, but it is okay for you to eat moderate amounts of fresh fruit, which has natural sugars. Since the sugar is all natural, it will break down slower, which means it will not cause any dramatic spikes in blood sugar levels.

Eating carbohydrates in abundance is not something you should be doing if you are diabetic. Carbohydrates turn into sugar when they start to break down, so you should limit your intake. Complex carbs take longer to break down, so you should eat those if you are going to eat any at all. Foods that contain complex carbs include brown bread, whole wheat crackers and brown rice. You should still limit your portions so your glucose levels don’t spike.

If you were prescribed medicine to regulate your sugar levels, it is important that you take it exactly as prescribed. There may be days where you feel perfectly fine, but taking the medicine is necessary to maintain your overall health. It is also best to eat and take your medicine at the same time every day so your body adjusts and functions well.

When you have a cold, it is normal to head to the pharmacy and pick up some medicine for that. This is not something that is simple for a diabetic. Many cold medicines have sugar in them and they will only succeed in taking away the cold and leaving you with another issue. Read labels very carefully when choosing medicine and speak with someone in the pharmacy if you are having any issues finding suitable products.

Many people skip meals when they are not feeling hungry, but this is not something a diabetic person should do. In order for your body to function as it should, there needs to be a good balance of healthy eating and medication. Skipping meals stops the medicine from doing its job properly. If you know you need to take medicine and you are not feeling hungry, try eating something small like a cup of Greek yogurt or half of a sandwich.

There is a lot more involved with leading a healthy diabetic lifestyle, but this is a good starting point. While it may be difficult at times, remember that it is necessary if you want to feel well. The goal is for you to live as well as you can so that you can live longer.

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