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The Role Of Vitamin B3 Niacin (Nicotinic Acid) For Your Healthy Body

The Role Of Vitamin B3 Niacin (Nicotinic Acid) For Your Healthy Body By Fitness And Health Ideas.

The B vitamin family group consists of 8 with vitamin B3 Niacin the third discovered in 1873.

 Fitness And Health Ideas believes Vitamin B3 Niacin is an essential vitamin for you to have a healthy body, and it is just one of the eight water soluble types of B vitamins.  Nearly all of the B vitamin classes will help the body convert carbohydrates into sugar or glucose, which your body can then burn to produce energy.  Also known as complex B vitamins, B3 Niacin is essential in helping your body break down protein and fat.

 Complex B vitamins also play an important role with maintaining muscle tone within the digestive system tract, along with the health of the skin, nervous system, liver, eyes, hair, and mouth.  Even though a lot of people associate exercise routine with the aspect of muscles and muscle tone, vitamin B3 Niacin is as equally important for you to maintain a  healthy body – if not more important.

 B3 Niacin is also important with getting harmful or toxic chemicals out of your body.  It can also help your body produce different sex and stress related hormones within the adrenal glands, among other parts of the body.  The vitamin is also useful for helping with sexual dysfunction as well.  This can be great news for those who have problems with sexual performance.

 Fitness And Health Ideas also knows that it is very effective in improving your blood circulation, B3 Niacin can also help to reduce “LDL” or bad cholesterol levels found in the blood and increase ”HDL” or good cholesterol.  Even though vitamin B3 Niacin is great for you as a stand- alone supplement, Fitness And Health Ideas advise you should also consume it with foods that contain protein, due to the fact that the body is able to convert the amino acid known as Tryptophan into Niacin.

 The higher doses of B3 Niacin, which are available only through prescription, have been proven to prevent and also improve a variety of different symptoms and ailments.  Due to the high risk of toxicity, you as an individual, should always consult with your doctor first, before you decide to start using higher doses of B3 Niacin.

 •    0-6 months: 2mg
•    7-12 months: 4mg
•    1-3 years: 6mg
•    4-8 years: 8mg
•    9-13 years: 12mg
•    14-18 years: males 16mg; females 14mg
•    19+: males 16mg, females 14mg
•    Pregnant females: 18mg
•    Breastfeeding females: 17mg

* according to the University of Maryland Medical Center,

 There are also Niacin skin care products that are being developed as well, which contain anti-aging products, helping to treat acne and also aid in the prevention of skin cancer.  A lot of dermatologists expect that these products will become really popular over the coming years.  Even though they are still in their development stages, research has proven them to be very effective when compared to similar types of product studies.

 Fitness And Health Ideas suggest your best sources for vitamin B3 Niacin may include: beef, pork, turkey, chicken breasts, beets, veal, halibut, venison, salmon, tuna, mushrooms, asparagus, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, green peas, broccoli, spinach and peanuts.  You can also get supplements that contain B3 Niacin as well, which can provide your body with the amounts it needs.  This is a very important vitamin, as it does a lot more for your body than you think.  By consuming foods that contain it or taking the proper supplements – you’ll get the correct amount of B vitamins that your body needs to be healthy on a daily basis.

 Some common symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency may include:

Headache, Depression, Rash in areas exposed to sun, Pellagra (which can lead towards dementia or even death), Swollen Tongue, Vomiting, Canker Sores.

Fitness and Health Ideas believe a healthy diet, moderate exercise and the consumption of vitamin B3, if required, can be beneficial to your well being and longevity.


Fitness and Health Ideas to be precise is here to help you prepare the body for the physical necessities of daily life. Fitness and Health provides strength, flexibility and stamina for the proper functioning of the body.


We all know that exercise such as running, jogging and biking has been found to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure and prevent heart disease. Did you know that water aerobics can have the same desired effect.

This article emphasises the benefits of water aerobics. Aquatic exercise is becoming increasingly popular as water has been found to be ideal for muscle toning, is soothing and increases stamina, strength, flexibility and endurance. It is well known that our body weight is much less in water. Hence when one stands in water at chest level your body is near weightless. The natural buoyancy of water supports the body and relieves the stress on joints, tendons and ligaments. Water’s gentle support enables easy and effortless movements. Many people with arthritis, old age problems and post-operative recuperation walk several times up and down the pool, usually such pools are 4 ft deep only at any point or all points or through its length and breadth. Such shallow pools are zones of wonderful therapeutic cure. In winter the swimming pool is heated and in summer the pool is kept cool. Many patients come to recover from injuries and after surgery also.

Patients are required to do the exercises for the head, eye, mouth, shoulder, inner and outer arms, thighs, legs, ankle, feet, fingers and toes. In short, the exercises cover every part of the body from head to toe. Breathing exercises are also included. While land exercises aggravate orthopaedic problems, water exercises can be done without undue stress and muscle weakness.

Many of the elite sports personalities with injuries use water aerobics.

The quality of water is unique. It’s elasticity adjusts to variations in force or speed of movement at different joint angles thus providing a constantly changing resistance.

The fascinating and inviting qualities of water make the exercises smoother and more relaxing than hand exercises.

In water aerobics the combination of routine is limitless and there is something for everyone, even a non-swimmer.

Just standing in neck deep water stimulates circulation, there is a soothing effect on the muscles, the heart in fact recovers more quickly from exertion because it is not working against the force of gravity. The water exercise includes 15 minutes of warming up and ends with 15 minutes of colling down with ½ hour of jogging and exercises in between.

Water Temperature

Water temperature should be between 82⁰ -  85⁰. Water that is too warm can make you feel sick, where colder water can cause pain in stiff or arthritic joints. If you fear water, wear a flotation device and stay in the shallow part of the pool.

 Different Strokes

For calorie burning, stroke matters. A 123 pound woman swimming side stroke will burn 68 calories in 10 minutes while a 170 pound man will burn 90 calories. The same woman burns 95 calories with a slow crawl or backstroke and the man, 130 calories.

 The breaststroke eats up 91 calories during a 10 minute swim for the woman and 125 calories for the man.

 I can’t Swim

 People who haven’t learnt to swim can still do a variety of water exercises, including aqua aerobics, walking or jogging across a pool in chest deep water or running in place while treading water with flotation devices to keep you upright in the deep end of the pool. Lift your knees high, pump your arms back and forth. Devices such as fins, hand paddles and inflatable rubber mitts help strengthen your upper body or legs by increasing resistance against the water.

 A total body workout in water should include exercises for all major muscle groups. A typical warm-up and cool down can include shallow water walking with gentle arm movements back and forth.

 A combination of leg kicks and leg lifts can work the lower body, while arm circles and figure 8’s work the upper body, including shoulders, chest and back. Kicking laps across the pool holding on to a kickboard is a great conditioner and can be done by non-swimmers.

 Water workout – Swimming and Water Aerobics

 Aqua aerobics is particularly beneficial for pregnant women with the added load in their belly and the increase weight during pregnancy, most women find conventional forms of exercising quite difficult. Besides, there is a high risk of sustaining injury to hips, back and other parts of the body.

Check out  Fitness and Health Ideas for more informative and interesting articles. – Aqua Aerobics – Water Aerobic Exercises.


Fitness and Health Ideas to be precise is here to help you prepare the body for the physical necessities of daily life. Fitness and Health provides strength, flexibility and stamina for the proper functioning of the body.

Your heart is a muscle, or pump, and like every muscle in your body it needs to be exercised to grow and become fit, healthy and strong. Another important part of our body is the spinal cord, because it defines our posture and gives shape to our body. To keep this in good shape it can only be achieved through regular exercises.

All forms of aerobic exercises will strengthen your heart so it will pump more blood with each beat. High stroke volume is beneficial to your muscles which get more efficient at taking the oxygen out of the bloodstream. Your endurance will be greater because your muscles won’t run out of oxygen as quickly. You will be surprised at how good you will feel after a little exercise.

Your heart can circulate more oxygenated blood throughout your body with less effort and great efficiency which results in a slower heart rate. This happens because of an increase in the activity and number of enzymes that transport oxygen out of the bloodstream and into the muscle. Mitochondria inside the muscle increase in number and activity as they are the powerhouse of your cells because they do all the heavy duty work to keep you moving. The average fit and healthy adult heart pumps about 5 litres per minute along with oxygen and many other life sustaining elements circulating through your body.

Some of the benefits you receive from aerobic training include:-

(a)    Increase in heart size (your heart can grow by 20% in size);

(b)   Increase in blood volume;

(c)    decrease in resting heart rate (a good resting heart rate is below 70 bpm);

(d)   an increase in cardiac output due primarily to stroke volume;

(e)   an increase in oxygen capacity;

(f)     a reduction in blood pressure (excellent for reducing heart disease risk);

(g)    improvement in body fat levels (great for figure and health).

Fitness and Health Ideas believe using aerobic training has some excellent benefits for your heart, fitness, health and body.


                      FITNESS AND HEALTH IDEAS would like to discuss with you the importance of drinking lots of water.
                                                         Water helps keep your body fit, healthy, to stay slim and boost your energy levels, hydrates your body plus quenches your thirst.

50 – 75% of your body weight is water depending on the person’s age. Most of the water found within the cells of the body (intracellular space). The rest is found in the (extracellular space) which consists of the blood vessels (intravascular space) and the spaces between cells (interstitial space).

Fitness and Health Ideas have examined a study entitled “Water as an Essential Nutrient” for the importance of proper hydration for good fitness, health and human performance. If we lose more than 3% of our water content you become dehydrated which will lead you to significant problems both cognitive and physical performance.

If physical fitness, health and performance are important to you make sure you drink enough water daily to quench your thirst. The main five users of water to the body are:-

(a) Vital component of our cells;
(b) Necessary agent in the body’s chemical process;
(c) A facilitator of all bodily functions including respiration and digestion;
(d) Regulates body temperature;
(e) Lubricates joints and muscles for proper movement.

Science used to say 8 glasses of water per day was sufficient but this depends on your activities and the weather. Drink water frequently if you want to reach your optimum fitness and health level. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science (I.O.M.) have specific recommendations for fluid intake. It is not much when you consider up to 20% of your water intake comes from food:-
Adolescents aged 9 – 13 years need 1.8 litres per day
Teenagers aged 14 – 18 years need 2.6 litres per day
Adults need 3 litres per day
Adolescents aged 9 – 13 years need 1.6 litres per day
Teenagers aged 14 – 18 years need 1.8 litres per day
Adults need 2.2 litres per day
which converts to 13 cups per day for male adults. There is also some evidence to suggest that a moderate increase in water intake can decrease the risk of some cancers, heart disease and other illnesses in certain people but to be sure ask your doctor about your own person/family history.

To stay fit and healthy you should make it a habit to drink as much fluids as you can. All beverages hydrate and a study by (B.I.H.W.) says adults consume 45 – 50% more liquids when they are flavoured compared to plain water. Fitness and Health Ideasagree with the recommendations of The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science (I.O.M.) and B.I.H.W.

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